Monday, March 12, 2012

Ellen is my hero

Well hello everyone!

I realize we have become strangers to the blogging world... but perhaps only because we have had the opportunity to enjoy the great weather southeast Idaho has been experiencing lately.

First, and foremost, I would like to say Happy Mustache March to everyone!

and i just tried to upload Kaleb's photo, but apparently I don't know how to format instagram to blogger... or something. I've been told his is 'sick' (not in the cool way)... so, fellow blog readers, you are welcome for the omission! but really, it's not all that bad!

So, Kaleb has been getting pretty busy with his research. He even let me be his field assistant for a day! We went to a local stream and caught some Hesperloperla... WHAT? aka "Golden Stone Fly"
To me, they look like cockroaches of the stream... but to Kaleb they are something much more.

Let me preface this next story with how sweet my husband is. Everyday he tells me how happy he is, how lucky he thinks he is, and how beautiful I am. This is all true, and sweet. Stay with me, this isn't one of those blogs where I oosh and goosh over my better half... it has comedy, satire, or perhaps a pity laugh?

Here is a sample dialogue of us at the stream, stonefly hunting:
  • Kaleb: Why don't you go pick up that rock and see what you find
  • Ashley: Good idea! (pick up random rock, SCREAM, and throw it)
  • K: What happened?
  • K: ummmm... yes?
  • A: Well, I don't think they were what we were looking for anyway...
  • K: (picks up same rock) Aw, these are my favorite! (tells me some scientific name that I don't understand) Aren't they beautiful?

does anyone see that same word correlation??? I'm beautiful, the scary crawly bug is beautiful...

Anyway, I've been on an "Ellen Show" kick lately... It comes on right after I get off work, and I find her show rather hilarious. While Kaleb and I were watching he asked if I had her app. WHAT?! Ellen has an APP??! Hence, the most recent favorite addition to my iPhone.

What's cookin'? (or, in this case, baking)

Kaleb's department has been hosting a lot of potlucks as they interview for new staff positions. As a new wifey, this can be a huge stressor for me. WHAT AM I GOING TO BRING? We are students, but we are married... I must impress.

So I start googling, and I find GOLD. Well, not gold, but edible goodness.

It involved melted caramel... chocolate chips... walnuts (optional)... oatmeal... I probably could have stopped at melted caramel huh?

Caramel Bars

They got ALL THE RAVE! Try them! Or come visit Idaho and I will make them for you!!! :)

Next I'm going to try some upside down toffee apple cake, courtesy of my good friend and great little kitchen master Kathleen.

Well this was a rather wordy post. How about some funny pics (thanks to the Ellen App!)

<--- Planking


Kaleb, Ashley, & Grandpa Ron (the tort)